Draw Poker (KTDP)

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Draw Poker is the first casino game planned for the Kawaii Trump Casino.

The rules are similar to those of regular poker. Please refer to BICYCLE - Basic of Poker. This section focuses on the Draw Poker of Kawaii Trump NFT (KTDP), which is different from regular poker.

Joker not included

KTDP doesn't include Joker. Therefore, Royal Straight Flush is the best hand.

Bet on your KTC (Kawaii Trump Chip) 

You can bet KTCs as chips, with the maximum bet amount depending on the number and level of KTNFTs.

Select your NFT

To start playing Draw Poker, you need to select the KTNFT you want to use, and choose the KTNFT.

The Rule

It is the same as in standard draw poker. You select the cards you don't wish to change from the first five cards you're dealt.

Cards not held are discarded and replaced with new cards, after which the final hand is determined.


KTDP, which does not include Joker, has a Royal Straight Flush as the highest hand. The following is the order of the highest to lowest hands. The following quotes are from BICYCLE - Basic of Poker.

Royal Straight Flush

This is the strongest combination in Straight Flush.

The highest-ranking straight flush is the A, K, Q, J, and 10 of one suit, and this combination has a special name: a royal flush or a royal straight flush.

Straight Flush

This is the highest possible hand when only the standard pack is used, and there are no wild cards. A straight flush consists of five cards of the same suit in sequence, such as 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 of hearts.

Four Of A Kind

This is the next highest hand, and it ranks just below a straight flush. An example is four aces or four 3s. It does not matter what the fifth, unmatched card is.

Full House

This colorful hand is made up of three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank, such as three 8s and two 4s, or three aces and two 6s.


Five cards, all of the same suit, but not all in sequence, is a flush. An example is Q, 10, 7, 6, and 2 of clubs.


Five cards in sequence, but not all of the same suit is a straight. An example is 9♥, 8♣, 7♠, 6♦, 5♥.

Three Of A Kind

This combination contains three cards of the same rank, and the other two cards each of a different rank, such as three jacks, a seven, and a four.

Two Pair

This hand contains a pair of one rank and another pair of a different rank, plus any fifth card of a different rank, such as Q, Q, 7, 7, 4.

Jack or

A one pair whose role is jack or better.

One Pair

This frequent combination contains just one pair with the other three cards being of different rank. An example is 10, 10, K, 4, 3.

High Card

This very common hand contains "nothing." None of the five cards pair up, nor are all five cards of the same suit or consecutive in rank. When more than one player has no pair, the hands are rated by the highest card each hand contains, so that an ace-high hand beats a king-high hand, and so on.

Ratio of Rewards

Ratio of rewards will vary according to rarity and level.

Last updated